U-Turns. U-turns are sometimes legal, sometimes illegal. You may legally make a U-turn: Across a double yellow line, as long as it is safe and there are no signs prohibiting it.Click to see full answer. Likewise, what is an illegal turn?An illegal turn occurs when a driver turns in a manner that is considered unsafe. These include U-turning on a main highway, cutting off other drivers, turning left into oncoming traffic without adequate room and merging into a lane too quickly.One may also ask, is it against the law to drive barefoot in Kentucky? Neither state nor federal laws expressly prohibit driving a car barefoot. However, there is a concern about how safely a driver can operate a vehicle without shoes or with the “wrong” shoes. In Kentucky, it is not illegal for a driver to operate his or her car while not wearing shoes. Similarly, it is asked, what states allow uturn? Laws vary by jurisdiction as to when a U-turn may or may not be legal. Examples of jurisdictions with codified U-turn prohibitions include the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia and the U.S. states of Colorado and Oregon. In Alberta, U-turns are prohibited in certain circumstances, for example (ref.Is it illegal to turn around in a parking lot?It is, in fact, illegal in most states to use a private parking lot to turn around in, or to cut through a parking lot to avoid a stop sign or stop light.