The UFC’s Laura Sanko has quickly become somewhat of a sensation amongst MMA fans this year.
A former professional fighter in her own right, Sanko stepped away from competition in 2013 and has since carved out a niche for herself primarily as a UFC analyst on ESPN.
Earlier this year, meanwhile, Laura Sanko made history by becoming the UFC’s first female color commentator in the modern era at UFC Fight Night: Lewis vs. Spivac. She has since commentated on numerous other UFC events.
However, despite always holding herself in a highly professional manner, Sanko has often fallen foul of some questionable fan responses on social media.
Earlier this year, a bizarre exchange with a fan on Instagram came to light, for instance.
Now, a video has emerged on Twitter that sees Sanko reading out another highly questionable comment from a fan – and responding to it in her usual razor-sharp fashion:
“This is from ‘Cyber Sex Jay One’... 'Zero chance this dumb c*nt hasn’t sucked Dana’s d* can see how she smiles at him the way she wants it all the way she’d have this job otherwise, probably f*cked all the fighters too.' ...That’s a big roster, who would have that much time? I know I don’t. That’s like 400... I guess you could cut the...maybe I f*cked the women too, I don’t know! 400 and some people, plus Dana... ain’t nobody got time for that.”Sanko is clearly happy to handle these kind of fan responses well. However, it definitely seems like despite her work with the UFC receiving positive feedback, she’s going to be dealing with internet trolls for some time yet.
One of the most recognizable personalities in the UFC right now, Laura Sanko is widely known for her work as both an analyst with ESPN and a color commentator for the promotion.
However, some fans might not realise that she briefly had a career as a fighter in her own right. Nicknamed ‘Fancy’, Sanko fought as an atomweight and put together an amateur record of 4-1 between 2010 and 2012.
The future UFC star then made one appearance as a professional, defeating Cassie Robb with a rear-naked choke at Invicta FC 4 in 2013.
However, she did not follow this fight with another, and given she’s now 40 years old, a fighting comeback seems doubtful.
Watch Laura Sanko’s fight with Cassie Robb below.
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