Location is typically the most important aspect of any real estate sale, but it seems that “history” is playing a big role in the sale of one Ontario, Canada house. The house in question is the home of Justin Bieber’s grandparents, and they’re marketing the home as his former house. It seems that the Biebs spent the vast majority of his early childhood in this house (approximately 80% according to his grandparents) and they feel that makes the house worth $279,000. According to real estate sources, the price is a bit high – and Bieb’s childhood bedroom might not be enough of a reason to justify the price.
Located in Stratford, Ontario, Canada, the 3-bedroom home is a modest size, but Justin’s bedroom has been left completely as he liked it as a young teen. His grandparents haven’t changed a thing about the room, so anyone with a Bieber obsession can actually live in the house he spent his childhood, and even lay down on his bed.
Whether or not the grandparents of the Biebs are planning on leaving their grandson’s furniture and belongings in the house is unknown – but if preteen girls could afford a house, we bet they’d offer more to have his stuff left in place. As for lookers, anyone interested in the house will get to see where the superstar singer slept as a boy, and we are willing to bet a few of them are so bold as to lay their heads on the Biebs’ pillow just to say that they could. According to TMZ, grandma and grandpa Bieber have remodeled and updated every room in the house except Biebers, and they’re hoping their rich, famous grandson will pay the asking price and buy the house for himself. Considering his latest legal woes, however, we think not.
Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images